The holidays are a time to come together and share warm and friendly moments and to mainly, well...vacation. Let Famous Milwaukee Author, Teresa Rae Butler show you how to avoid the hassle in a smart, savvy and classy way.
The chestnuts roast on the open flames, winds wind-up crispy leaves into swirls of wonder, and the new fallen snow happily clusters on fluttering eyelashes. The picture perfect settings makes up for good times. This is what makes the holidays worth it. Right? But for many Black families who are underpaid and over worked, the holidays can be a bothersome frenzy equaling one huge headache. Because many Black families already lack a central hub to gather, i.e. Big Momma's House- 'who's in charge for dinner?'
That is just one of many questions that surround the catastrophe of an uncelebrated, season's greeting. And so the scramble begins! 'This year we're having festivities at your house!' What? Since when did I volunteer my crib? Everyone knows that you always have a few problems when you invite people to your house for festivities.
For me, It's the people issues. I don't know about your family, but I have a drunk uncle who is always loud, pushy and aggressive. He always takes about three plates of food home and always needs a ride across town to get there. But we love him still and are always glad to see him. As members come in from the cold, they are welcomed to the early arrivers with good regards. But what about those carpet stains? To keep people from tracking black stuff on your carpet, have a bowl of .99 cent socks, in a bowl with the tiny hanger attached. Y? Because you will always find that someone will not want to remove shoes or boots because of hole filled socks and stockings. There will be children. So to keep from slapping them in the head for running in front of the TV just set aside an area for them to congregate. I use my basement, because the area is carpeted, toy equipped and sealed away from heaters and other dangerous units. There they have their tables, chairs, their own TV and games to sort through. Teenagers are also shifted to this part of the house because they ARE NOT GROWN just yet. Be sure to salt your well-cleared stairs and sidewalks, because your family will still sue you, and on the holidays at that. Keep a variety of music and movies.
Some may want to hear holiday tunes, some may want jazz and a little blues. To keep from being stuck with feeding everyone and cleaning up every damn thing, make folk bring a dish in a big, tin disposable pan. And when they go- 'Hey! It's not my fault that your macaroni was NOT a hit this year. Take it with you. Thanks. I love you.' This way, everything goes smooth for the picture taking, the video recording and the maximum enjoyment of those good ol' Holiday Ha-Ha's.
Join me next time as I will give you a first-things-first checklist for self publishing. It's free game baby. That concrete base, foundation game. I'm down here all of the time.
Much luv all the way from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to you.
Happy writing, and do what you gotta do to Get Ya Shine ON!
'Get Ya Shine On!' - Milwaukee's Urban Author, Teresa Rae Butler of, 'Don't Even Trip,' the sequel, 'God, I Respect Ya Gangsta,' and the 2008 release, 'Entreprenubian Royalty.
And the
Teresa Rae Butler's CITY SEXY BLOG http://teresaraebutlerscitysexyblog.blogspot.com
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