Monday, January 28, 2008
Why Can't I Get A Dag -Gone Book Deal?
Dear such and such,
We everly regret the so and forth.
You may have been rejected because of so and so.
But don't take it so hard, Jack! Life is sweet because ours is good.
We know that you thought that we would be able to get you up out the hood.
Sorry. Not today.
Don'y cry-dry ya eye.
We truly hope that your face hasn't dropped, and would like to invite you to our next book signing for, "Skippy Jip by Silly Sally."
There you can also find anti-hater copies of, "Step Yo Game Up Playa. I Did."
Don't be salty.
Be Blessed. One. Fist up in the air!
Now you look sorry for real. And you know what? They are right. Thousands of manuscripts pour in to these companies monthly, and yes- you may have been passed up because of such and such. BUT SO WHAT! It is a Universe of plenty, and you just have to believe in yourself and do it yourself. Don't be at the bottom of the chain angry and hungry. Educate yourself about self publishing. Sell yourself! Somebody will buy it. Afterall, wasn't it a person who slapped a funky, half of a piece of a smooshed cake between some plastic, and sold to the point of heavy rotation?
Now look at them. Hood rich and then some, chile! That's called, "Faking it till' you make it!"
"We know them lil' generic cakes is nasty," like Madea might joke with a ciggy in the kitchen, but we all have purchased them. Trust me. You have an audience. Just make sure that you step your game up before the next time you step out on faith. Here's a strong tip of what to do with those rejection letters and sent e-mails; KEEP THEM! You never know if there is a snake out there trying to nick your work. You will need proof that you sent work in that was rejected for legal purposes should the unforgivable arise.
NEXT TIME? The Holiday Ha-Ha's
The holidays are a time to come together and share warm and friendly moments and to mainly, well...vacation. The chestnuts roast on the open flames, winds wind-up crispy leaves into swirls of wonder, and the new fallen snow happily clusters on fluttering eyelashes. 'This year we're having festivities at your house!.' As members come in from the cold, they are welcomed to the early arrivers with good regards.
This is what makes the holidays worth it. Right? But for many Black families who are underpaid and over worked, the holidays can be a bothersome frenzy equalling one huge headache. Because many Black families already lack a central hub to gather, i.e. Big Momma's House- whose in charge for dinner? That is just one of many questions that surround the catastrophe of an uncelebrated, season's greeting. And so the scrammble begins! Let Famous Milwaukee Author, Teresa Rae Butler show you how to avoid the hassle in a smart, savvy and classy way.
Happy writing, and do what you gotta do to Get Ya Shine ON!
'Get Ya Shine On!' - Milwaukee's Urban Author, Teresa Rae Butler of, 'Don't Even Trip,' the sequel, 'God, I Respect Ya Gangsta,' and the 2008 release, 'Entreprenubian Royalty.
And the
Teresa Rae Butler's CITY SEXY BLOG
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Author Spotlight on Author Henri Edmonds, "The Georgia Avenue Bus"

Henri Edmonds, B.A., M.A. Professor- Theatre Arts Howard University, Author, and Actress
Henri Edmonds, who grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana, was a performing arts major at Fisk University, obtained an M. A. degree in the theatre at Western Reserve University in 1956, taught theatre and speech at Grambling College. There she created the third African-American childrens’ theatre in the country. She came to Washington, DC in 1958 and taught at Howard University in the English Department.
From 1962 to 1972, she was a Speech Pathologist in the Prince George's County School System. In 1973, she joined her brother, Dr. Randolph Edmonds, at the Martin Luther King Hospital in Los Angeles as a speech pathologist.
Henri returned to Howard in 1974, where she is currently a professor of Speech and Theatre. She has served twice as Chair of the department, 1979 - 81 and again in 1999 - 2004. She is committed to the training of knowledgeable theatre artists. She is dedicated to the principle of developing the highest quality of theatre arts, and to the serious investigation and perpetuation of the experiences and aesthetics of Black theatre.
During her tenure at Howard, she expanded her range to include writing many plays and stories for children, most notably Mushy Mouth. She has produced and directed many plays locally and nationally. She composed the music for Brother, Brother, Brother Mine, which won the Maytime Festival in Dundalk, Ireland.
Her acting credits include the role of Mary Thomas in the highly acclaimed movie "Something The Lord Made" which received three Emmy nominations. The Story of Maple Hill was a winner of the 1996 Baltimore Writers Alliance contest. The Georgia Avenue Bus is a collection of short stories about Morris Bernard Fletcher and the passengers on The Georgia Avenue Bus line.
Henri has appeared in several television roles, most notably THE CORNER and THE WIRE. Her writings include the murder mystery theatre play, WHO KILLED RAOUL? and WEARING THE MASK, which was the first drama televised at WHUT Channel 32.
During her career she has taught many now famous students: Harriet D. Foy, Isaiah Washington (Grey's Anatomy), Anthony Anderson (Hustle and Flow), Nikkole Salter (In the Continuum), Marva Hicks, Carla Hargrove (Hairspray), Frenchie (American Idol) and others who regularly appear on television and film.
Contact the author:
Henri Edmonds, B.A., M.A.
Website: www.
MySpace URL is:
The Georgia Avenue Bus Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, this collection of short stories highlights the adventures of Morris Bernard Fletcher and the passengers on the Georgia Avenue Bus. With the life of Morris "Fletch" Fletcher intertwined with his regular customers, this series of short stories fleshes out their lives as they commute along DC's infamous Georgia 70s bus line. Through his eyes, we meet various characters who remind us of our own frailty, glory and struggle to rise above the obstacles that life presents to us because we see our own humanity in them. The colorful characters who ride the bus, will make you laugh or break your heart, yet, they will remain in your memory for a long time.
Book DetailsPaperback: 172 pages Publisher: Xlibris Corporation (Oct. 13, 2006) ISBN-10: 1425723330 ISBN-13: 978-1425723330
What Readers are Saying
…Brilliantly funny--A.H. Jenkins…A delightful read full of life, laughter, and love-- K. E. Collie…Captures the spirit of city and its people-- B. H. Hudson…The colorful characters remain in your memory --V. Jenkins
Professional and Media Endorsements
Washington Post Article April 2007At Amazyn Hair Design, one of 70 beauty shops along four-mile long Georgia Avenue, Mary Jeffries, center, and Joyce Fowler flip through " The Georgia Avenue Bus," a short fiction about the people on the Avenue, as it often is called. The book was written by Henri Edmonds, pictured on the far left, a professor at Howard University.
Washington Post Article May 2007Featured in the "Our Picks" segment of the Washington Post's weekend spots and events not to miss each weekend. Henri Edmonds, author of The Georgia Avenue Bus, was featured as the Literary pick of the week.
Author Henri Edmonds available for cyber chats, book signings, literary events, and speaking engagementsEmail:
Book can be purchased online fromOnline at: Amazon, Borders, Books-A-Million, Barnes & Nobles, Target, Xlibris, Olsson's, in stores at Howard University Bookstore.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
"Scar Face the Movie Made More than Scar Face the Rapper" Jay Z "American Gangsta Sound Tract"

Looking Deeper at what’s being said when a poster or billboard is all that is speaking…
Today while driving around Brooklyn, listening to Jay Z’ American Gangster Soundtrack. He made the above statement and no sooner did I start to wrap my mind around that powerful thought something reached out and spoke to me as a New York City bus went by and I looked at the ad. I am not a fan of anything that has to do with supporting the so called “Gangster” way of life. I see too many young men affected by this. Listening to a copy of Jay Z’s C. D. (I didn’t pay for the copy it was given by a friend, I don’t support bootlegging in any fashion, that’s another story for another day) I wanted to hear what our children are listening to. This gives me a chance to shape my lessons in the classroom. And I started to think about this as I watched the bus go by and listened to Jay speak on being an American Gangster.
We talk often about the divide in the country between the races. We watch on T.V. about the so called “Race Card” that is played by both sides to create emotional connection or disconnection. Well, as a man of color who works very hard in trying to get young men and women to not end up in a system that doesn’t want them to be successful I have to pay close attention. Let me explain what I am talking about. In Brooklyn and around all of New York City, the upcoming new television series called Terminator is being promoted. “The Sara Conner Chronicles”. Well I am a fan of science fiction and actually enjoyed the movies but that is not the point of this article. On the sides of New York City buses are large bill boards of one of the female stars holding a large pump action shotgun like the one used by the character Sara Conner from the Terminator 2 movie. The questions I bring to the table is why is it okay for people of non-color to promote guns as their attention getters while people of color, who want to promote music, videos, or movies the same way are blurred or blacked out? This goes all the way back to the movie “Juice” which starred late rapper Tupac Shakur who was one of the main characters. The billboard was criticized for promoting violence. Does anyone see the double standard here? Over the years many movies with people of color suffered the same fate. So I ask this, are the powers that be saying the men and women of color are more prone to commit violence by seeing the black man with a gun compared to the white woman? I say no, not at all. I say be consistent all the way around. The flip side of this and maybe it is discussed in secret rooms of men who secretly want slavery back in effect, which many people of color truly believe, is if you say its ok for the white woman and not ok for the black man, you are creating a situation where the black man becomes more angry of his situation than he already is. There are so many factors that lead in the destruction of people’s mentality. I am not removing the role of personal responsibility. It is still each woman or man’s responsibility to govern their actions and of course what they allow to affect them. However, when you have marketing that speaks opposite those feeling what are our young men or women to think. For the record, I don’t believe that guns should be promoted by anyone. It’s not needed to great stories to be told or shown.
I write this not to play the race card but to bring attention to those who either are using it for greed purposes or using it by mistake and not accepting the damage simple posters or bill boards can do to individual perceptions. If they didn’t affect people’s behavior why would they spend so much money and research on where to place them to receive the best response? Isn’t that part of the allure of Time Square with all the fashion model billboards strategically placed for visitors to see?
Well in closing I would ask that we bring things to the table that can defuse the race issue and make it better for all us that have to occupy this planet. The “Race Card” will always be played it doesn’t have to create such an emotional reaction if we are prepared. Please look deeper at the things that are being promoted to you and ask yourself: What are they really trying to get me to see and feel? You might not like the answers.
Take Care and God Bless
K. L.
Trying to be creator of the stories that touch your soul.
"15 minute parking at the grocery store. Is it really that serious? And what if I do use 20 or 30 minutes?"

I can't believe that the Packers lost!
They had more than a few chances to win that game on Sunday, January 29th 2007!
I mean I went through a lot to prepare.
First, I called friends and family the previous week to invite them to my Packer Party. Then I cleaned my house really good to make it comfortable for guests, so that they would never know that I have a three year old and a one year old.
Then I prepared to shop for items on day of said game.
I went to the grocery store EARLLLLY in the morning.
I parked in the 15 minute stall because I only had a few things to get.
I grabbed my cream cheese, taco powder, lettuce, black olives, tomatoes and Mexican cheese. I went to the snack isle and grabbed chips. I even bought blue corn chips and regular for variety. I went to the lliquor store and bought Miller High Life. I bought a Party Size bag of wings to fry. I bought celery, carrot and broccoli for dipping with ranch dressing.
Well needless to say, it ended up taking me more like 20 or 30 minutes to shop. When I got back to my car, I had the store security calling for a plate number check.
A plate number check?
This is when security has the manager to make an in-store speaker announcement for the owner of said car to please move it.
Luckily, I was already outside. I loaded my car with my groceries, rolled my eyes real hard and left. I knew it was my fault, but I never feared the 15 minute park at the foodstore before. I thought that everyone abused those parking spots every now and again.
My joy was still with me.
I made it home to prepare a fine spread.
But somehow, no one showed up.
The weather was 13 below zero.
It ended up being a party for my kids and my husband. The game was close. Packers lost. We still had fun.
The point to this segment is this:
Live everyday to its fullest. Chew every bit of food well. Take the hard stuff as soft as you can. Enjoy the moment and observe it like never before. Because if you are a writer, then it is these little moments that make for great scenes. You can do this by observing the world around you at anytime.
Join me next time as I will talk about trying to get a book deal.
Do you need one?
Teresa Rae Butler, Contributing Columnist
Urban Literary Review
Milwaukee's Urban Author, Teresa Rae Butler of, "Don't Even Trip," the sequel, "God, I Respect Ya Gangsta," and the 2008 release, "Entreprenubian Royalty."
Monday, January 14, 2008
Ten things to do when you are trying to write a book in a house full of noise!

This week as foretold, I am coming from a new angle.
How many of you are trying to write a book right now?
How many of you face challenges that go beyond writer's block?
I am not talking about carpal tunneled wrists either. You have the computer, you have the software, you have the story, you have the drive. But what you do not have is a lousy, bit of quiet. The are fire trucks, ambulances, yelling neighbors, arguments, blowing horns, screaming children, blaring TV's, loud music, and smoke alarms going off because somebody forgot to watch the damn bacon.
What can you do?
At # 10. Put on head phones. Bose makes a great pair that is said to cover up your entire ear. The mere steadiness of a particular sound that you would like to hear can resolve the outside static down to a minimal.
# 9. Go talk to people. Let's say you live in a large family house like mine, or a family apartment, and everyone seems to disrespect the fact that you have to concentrate. It is probably that they do not realize your dedication, and simply need to recognize. Try asking family, friends and neighbors to keep it down. Yeah right? Hey. It won't hurt to ask.
# 8. Make notes. You can just makes notes to yourself on a sidebar, or separate document about the really meaty things that you would like to write about at a later time, because at the moment it is impossible to concentrate.
# 7. Ask the people around you for input. Sometimes, when you include the clan in on it their interest will allow them to see the importance of thought creation.
# 6. Light an incense or candle. Just a fraction of your favorite meditative scent can create a subconscious streamer to thought connection, just like sound can.
# 5. Have your favorite drink nearby. Sounds weird right? But yes. A drink can renew the senses by allowing the lungs to want to breath in while the esophagus pulls the liquid down. All of this in a simple motion is a stress reducer, and a mind renewer.
# 4. Eat something. Making sure that you are not hungry can defeat the distraction of stomach pangs. Working while hungry creates an intense sense of aggravation towards the other things that may already be bothering you.
# 3. Build a room. Some people have the luxury to create a room separate from the in crowd where they can shut that door and focus!
# 2. Use the bathroom. No. I don't mean literally. I'm talking about taking that laptop into that CLEAN bathroom AFTER everyone is done in there, and turning on that water, and creating a soundscape. This is for the people who can't build a room for any reason.
# 1. LEAVE! I know you all probably hate the obvious, but sometimes, you just gotta pack up and go. My favorite place to escape to is the library. In fact, I wrote, "God, I Respect Ya Gangsta," there, because I had a newborn baby who KNEW when I was in the house. Homegirl was trippin' and running me a little too fresh!
Well. There you have it.
They are simple, honest and creative ways that have worked for me in the past. Use special care when using incense and candles for aroma therapy. The fire hazzard factor is that it could be dangerous when not used properly. Watch where you are with your laptop in the bathroom when using a soundscape technique. Water and electricity don't mix, so safety first! Try sitting on the floor if you can stand it. The strategies may be desperate, but the pool of creativity in you must be heard.
Join me next time as I will talk about the world around us.
Things like 15 minute parking at the grocery store.
Is it really that serious? And what if I do use 20 or 30? Ever wonder?
Happy writing, and do what you gotta do to Get Ya Shine ON!
Teresa Rae Butler, Contributing Columnist
Urban Literary Review
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Enter To Win Cash From LCB Books Today!

Life Changing Books Is Giving Away $50.00 A Show!
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Tune In To Urban Literary Review January 15, 17, 22 and 24 for Winner Announcements!!
Each registered entry will receive a complimentary copy of
SLR Magazine courtesy of Street Literature Review Magazine!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Making Friends In The Industry!

Making friends in this business is essential for success. The very art of, "Who's Who? And What's What?" can sometimes be the maker or breaker door that you may or may not get to walk through. Names roll off of the tongue and are dropped or associated like a campaign for politicians. But what happens when the circles of people close? Nothing! Could the symbol for the National Olympics be as perfect as it is if the Olympics had only been local? NO!
Then why is it that people who learn something in this industry refuse to share and support? Who cares! I myself am no longer interested in clique'-ish folk anyway. I like networking. I like name dropping and so on to enlighten a knowledge seeking soul. One person whose name I'd like to drop understands my motto: There's Enough Room For Everybody to Shine!" And her name is...Tiah, Tiah, Tiah! Well...what else can I say? Her last name may be, "Short," but she is definitely doing big things for urban books. Yes, yes y'all. Tiah's circle widens every several seconds, bringing and spreading great change. I had come to meet Tiah Short through a close friend, Essence Best Seller and former Pr Agent of mine, Mr. Torrian Ferguson of, "The Ferguson Literary Hour," in North Carolina. I had a chance to exchange a few wonderful conversations and leads to book sales with her just this past summer, starting with info about BEA in NY.
I was astounded by the laid back, easy and savvy sistah's ability to help bring authors to the limelight. One of the main ingredients to her recipe of what I will call, "The Genuine Circle," is this: 'Welcome to the book industry, and this is Urban Literary Review.' And that is exactly what she has done for so many of us. In fact, it was only a matter of a few days ago when I had completed my own interview with 'Urban Literary Review.' She allowed me all of the time I needed to ramble, rejuvenate, and reiterate Black Milwaukeean capabilities. So grateful. Tiah is a person who has not only brought a fresh baked pie to my doorstep to, "Yay! You've made it!" and congratulate me into the neighborhood; she is also a person who believes in sharing knowledge. It is beyond her and myself as well, why on Earth people get a little bit of success and refuse to either help or share with a person who asks.
For a long time, people have been too scary to pass on what they know, so that WE can grow. Did they not get the memo that the Universe is unlimited and abundant, and that by giving and sharing only brings you more self-validation? I got it and try to keep that, 'post it,' on my forehead. So of course when she offered me an opportunity to sprinkle my starlight dust in her universe, I was more than honored to be apart of the DC BOOKMAN LEGEND. And whalla! Poof! Shimmie-shimmie...Here I am people! So here is the bottom line; an example: No matter how much people were perhaps uninterested in what an African American, half White, and a teaspoon Cherokee Indian girl from the hood had to say, Tiah opened this door for me. And for me, this is just like I told her in my interview, "It's enough room for everybody," and baby that means even people from Milwaukee, WI.
Now that I am here, I will bring this portion of Urban Literary Reviews just the right amount of salt and pepper to compliment the flava of its various guests and audiences. My gift to you all is this: This is where you come to get ya shine on. Please check back to this segment, as I will bring to you new topics, advice about publishing, being an author, and comical perspectives about writing. Come and see me next time right here in, "Get Ya Shine ON!" I plan on talking about peace and quiet: "Ten Things to do when you are trying to write a book in a house full of noise!" You will even have the opportunity to give feed-back. - Milwaukee's Urban Author, Teresa Rae Butler of, "Don't Even Trip," the sequel, "God, I Respect Ya Gangsta," and the 2008 release, "Entreprenubian Royalty."
"Get Ya Shine On!"
Teresa Rae Butler, Contributing Columnist
Urban Literary Review