I can't believe that the Packers lost!
They had more than a few chances to win that game on Sunday, January 29th 2007!
I mean I went through a lot to prepare.
First, I called friends and family the previous week to invite them to my Packer Party. Then I cleaned my house really good to make it comfortable for guests, so that they would never know that I have a three year old and a one year old.
Then I prepared to shop for items on day of said game.
I went to the grocery store EARLLLLY in the morning.
I parked in the 15 minute stall because I only had a few things to get.
I grabbed my cream cheese, taco powder, lettuce, black olives, tomatoes and Mexican cheese. I went to the snack isle and grabbed chips. I even bought blue corn chips and regular for variety. I went to the lliquor store and bought Miller High Life. I bought a Party Size bag of wings to fry. I bought celery, carrot and broccoli for dipping with ranch dressing.
Well needless to say, it ended up taking me more like 20 or 30 minutes to shop. When I got back to my car, I had the store security calling for a plate number check.
A plate number check?
This is when security has the manager to make an in-store speaker announcement for the owner of said car to please move it.
Luckily, I was already outside. I loaded my car with my groceries, rolled my eyes real hard and left. I knew it was my fault, but I never feared the 15 minute park at the foodstore before. I thought that everyone abused those parking spots every now and again.
My joy was still with me.
I made it home to prepare a fine spread.
But somehow, no one showed up.
The weather was 13 below zero.
It ended up being a party for my kids and my husband. The game was close. Packers lost. We still had fun.
The point to this segment is this:
Live everyday to its fullest. Chew every bit of food well. Take the hard stuff as soft as you can. Enjoy the moment and observe it like never before. Because if you are a writer, then it is these little moments that make for great scenes. You can do this by observing the world around you at anytime.
Join me next time as I will talk about trying to get a book deal.
Do you need one?
Teresa Rae Butler, Contributing Columnist
Urban Literary Review
Milwaukee's Urban Author, Teresa Rae Butler of, "Don't Even Trip," the sequel, "God, I Respect Ya Gangsta," and the 2008 release, "Entreprenubian Royalty."
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