This week as foretold, I am coming from a new angle.
How many of you are trying to write a book right now?
How many of you face challenges that go beyond writer's block?
I am not talking about carpal tunneled wrists either. You have the computer, you have the software, you have the story, you have the drive. But what you do not have is a lousy, bit of quiet. The are fire trucks, ambulances, yelling neighbors, arguments, blowing horns, screaming children, blaring TV's, loud music, and smoke alarms going off because somebody forgot to watch the damn bacon.
What can you do?
At # 10. Put on head phones. Bose makes a great pair that is said to cover up your entire ear. The mere steadiness of a particular sound that you would like to hear can resolve the outside static down to a minimal.
# 9. Go talk to people. Let's say you live in a large family house like mine, or a family apartment, and everyone seems to disrespect the fact that you have to concentrate. It is probably that they do not realize your dedication, and simply need to recognize. Try asking family, friends and neighbors to keep it down. Yeah right? Hey. It won't hurt to ask.
# 8. Make notes. You can just makes notes to yourself on a sidebar, or separate document about the really meaty things that you would like to write about at a later time, because at the moment it is impossible to concentrate.
# 7. Ask the people around you for input. Sometimes, when you include the clan in on it their interest will allow them to see the importance of thought creation.
# 6. Light an incense or candle. Just a fraction of your favorite meditative scent can create a subconscious streamer to thought connection, just like sound can.
# 5. Have your favorite drink nearby. Sounds weird right? But yes. A drink can renew the senses by allowing the lungs to want to breath in while the esophagus pulls the liquid down. All of this in a simple motion is a stress reducer, and a mind renewer.
# 4. Eat something. Making sure that you are not hungry can defeat the distraction of stomach pangs. Working while hungry creates an intense sense of aggravation towards the other things that may already be bothering you.
# 3. Build a room. Some people have the luxury to create a room separate from the in crowd where they can shut that door and focus!
# 2. Use the bathroom. No. I don't mean literally. I'm talking about taking that laptop into that CLEAN bathroom AFTER everyone is done in there, and turning on that water, and creating a soundscape. This is for the people who can't build a room for any reason.
# 1. LEAVE! I know you all probably hate the obvious, but sometimes, you just gotta pack up and go. My favorite place to escape to is the library. In fact, I wrote, "God, I Respect Ya Gangsta," there, because I had a newborn baby who KNEW when I was in the house. Homegirl was trippin' and running me a little too fresh!
Well. There you have it.
They are simple, honest and creative ways that have worked for me in the past. Use special care when using incense and candles for aroma therapy. The fire hazzard factor is that it could be dangerous when not used properly. Watch where you are with your laptop in the bathroom when using a soundscape technique. Water and electricity don't mix, so safety first! Try sitting on the floor if you can stand it. The strategies may be desperate, but the pool of creativity in you must be heard.
Join me next time as I will talk about the world around us.
Things like 15 minute parking at the grocery store.
Is it really that serious? And what if I do use 20 or 30? Ever wonder?
Happy writing, and do what you gotta do to Get Ya Shine ON!
Teresa Rae Butler, Contributing Columnist
Urban Literary Review
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