Making friends in this business is essential for success. The very art of, "Who's Who? And What's What?" can sometimes be the maker or breaker door that you may or may not get to walk through. Names roll off of the tongue and are dropped or associated like a campaign for politicians. But what happens when the circles of people close? Nothing! Could the symbol for the National Olympics be as perfect as it is if the Olympics had only been local? NO!
Then why is it that people who learn something in this industry refuse to share and support? Who cares! I myself am no longer interested in clique'-ish folk anyway. I like networking. I like name dropping and so on to enlighten a knowledge seeking soul. One person whose name I'd like to drop understands my motto: There's Enough Room For Everybody to Shine!" And her name is...Tiah, Tiah, Tiah! Well...what else can I say? Her last name may be, "Short," but she is definitely doing big things for urban books. Yes, yes y'all. Tiah's circle widens every several seconds, bringing and spreading great change. I had come to meet Tiah Short through a close friend, Essence Best Seller and former Pr Agent of mine, Mr. Torrian Ferguson of, "The Ferguson Literary Hour," in North Carolina. I had a chance to exchange a few wonderful conversations and leads to book sales with her just this past summer, starting with info about BEA in NY.
I was astounded by the laid back, easy and savvy sistah's ability to help bring authors to the limelight. One of the main ingredients to her recipe of what I will call, "The Genuine Circle," is this: 'Welcome to the book industry, and this is Urban Literary Review.' And that is exactly what she has done for so many of us. In fact, it was only a matter of a few days ago when I had completed my own interview with 'Urban Literary Review.' She allowed me all of the time I needed to ramble, rejuvenate, and reiterate Black Milwaukeean capabilities. So grateful. Tiah is a person who has not only brought a fresh baked pie to my doorstep to, "Yay! You've made it!" and congratulate me into the neighborhood; she is also a person who believes in sharing knowledge. It is beyond her and myself as well, why on Earth people get a little bit of success and refuse to either help or share with a person who asks.
For a long time, people have been too scary to pass on what they know, so that WE can grow. Did they not get the memo that the Universe is unlimited and abundant, and that by giving and sharing only brings you more self-validation? I got it and try to keep that, 'post it,' on my forehead. So of course when she offered me an opportunity to sprinkle my starlight dust in her universe, I was more than honored to be apart of the DC BOOKMAN LEGEND. And whalla! Poof! Shimmie-shimmie...Here I am people! So here is the bottom line; an example: No matter how much people were perhaps uninterested in what an African American, half White, and a teaspoon Cherokee Indian girl from the hood had to say, Tiah opened this door for me. And for me, this is just like I told her in my interview, "It's enough room for everybody," and baby that means even people from Milwaukee, WI.
Now that I am here, I will bring this portion of Urban Literary Reviews just the right amount of salt and pepper to compliment the flava of its various guests and audiences. My gift to you all is this: This is where you come to get ya shine on. Please check back to this segment, as I will bring to you new topics, advice about publishing, being an author, and comical perspectives about writing. Come and see me next time right here in, "Get Ya Shine ON!" I plan on talking about peace and quiet: "Ten Things to do when you are trying to write a book in a house full of noise!" You will even have the opportunity to give feed-back. - Milwaukee's Urban Author, Teresa Rae Butler of, "Don't Even Trip," the sequel, "God, I Respect Ya Gangsta," and the 2008 release, "Entreprenubian Royalty."
"Get Ya Shine On!"
Teresa Rae Butler, Contributing Columnist
Urban Literary Review
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